For Bloggers

Right now we don't looking for bloggers, but you can try :) We say goodbye to the bloggers who not make blog post before deadline, so sometimes place are vacated.


- Blog themes: cyber-gothic, cyberpunk, sci-fi, futuristic, postapocalypse, dark and noir.

- An average of +100 favs and 500 views on Flickr

- High Quality Pictures.

- Blog age more then 6 months

- Post new items within 1 monts (event items within 1 week of event opening).

- Items must be clearly visible in your posts and credit them correctly with name and LM to our mainstore or event location.

- Our brand logo with URL on your blog.

- Share your posts on Flickr (other social networks are welcome too).

- You need to be in our Flickr Group, click for A&Y Group, Post and Tag us.

Apps at BLOGOTEX - clicking on Bloggers Access Point inworld.

 Anabel Crystal